“If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” - John Wooden

Time is our most precious asset. As inspiration increases, so do opportunities, “I don’t have time” becomes a routine response to requests from others and even to ourselves through internal dialog. What changes when we’re in the habit of spending our time wisely? How can we create a habit of confidently saying no to distracting work so we can make way for yes to what aligns with our highest values? And once we are working with projects we feel passionately about, how do we synergize efforts and time for the long run? What breakthroughs can me make with system optimization that will sustain our success? When we deploy first principle thinking to our processes of doing business, busy work is greatly reduced, making room for deep focus and connection where it matters most. The voice inside of us, be it loud or soft, is answered, leaving us more fulfilled with the work we choose to do and the ways we prioritize time spent. As decision-making improves, we avoid fatigue and burnout that can come from busying ourselves vs narrowing focus and working more deeply. Stop being busy now and assess how you’re spending your time. What systems can you put in place to clear out the clutter? Make the honest assessments now so you can spend most of your time deeply connecting with what you are most passionate about and making a career out of it.